Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Get Rid of the Noise

Like many people, I've dealt with a lot of noise in my mind. I've struggled with depressing thoughts of failure throughout my life. I'm sure you're aware that this type of thinking can harass us - if we let it. This is where we have to silence the noise.  

Negative, lifeless thoughts come from the enemy and they only produce mental noise, that tries to block out the sound of truth. 

Let's look at the difference between sound and noise.

Sound is natural and pleasant to hear. Consider how you feel when you hear the morning birds softly chirping and singing. How does listening to a beautiful song comfort the soul?
Sound has the God-given ability to bring a peaceful state of mind. But what is noise?

According to Google dictionary, noise is often characterized as unpleasant, loud or annoying. It's even been known to cause physical harm such as: increased heart rate, anxiety, hearing loss, severe nervousness, as well as a lack of concentration.

Throughout our daily lives we encounter lots of noise. Sometimes it begins to drown out our ability to concentrate. This mental noise must be turned down!

This happened to Peter. As he was walking on the water, the waves produced threatening noise which brought fear and distraction, so he began to sink.

After Jesus pulled Peter up he said: "why did you doubt?" Doubt is noisy, flustering, and fearful but faith is calm, quiet, and confident. Faith creates a pleasant- sound mind. It keeps us anchored, instead of tossing to and fro. Unshakable peace enables us to be much more productive. 

"He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul." Psalm 23

Think about laying down in green pastures, or strolling alongside  still waters. This "noiseless" environment evokes relaxation, bringing restoration to our soul. When something's re-stored it's  put back in it's former condition. So what's the best sound? In my opinion, it's the sound of love. 

When GOD (love)'s heavenly.

"Behold the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east; and His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth did shine with His glory. 
Ezekiel 43:2

It's easy to understand that sound creates a pleasant atmosphere, while noise does the opposite. Think about how you feel standing near a waterfall, or listening to the sound of gentle waves lapping against the shore. Why do you think spas use soothing sounds, they use it for therapy.

Thankfully we can turn to GOD for daily, weekly,... eternal therapy! We can ignore the noise of doubt by turning it off as quickly as it starts. As we tune in to the frequency of the Spirit of God we will encounter the reassuring sound of peace, hope, confidence and personal direction. 

Photo taken by Melina Gioffre Fuda

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Water Walking Faith

Every day the disciples walked with Christ they witnessed another miracle. Everywhere they went, they saw the power of God in action. Can you imagine the mental gymnastics as they watched in wonder?! I'm still bewildered.  

How about the baffling feat of walking on water? That's pretty unforgettable, especially for Peter.

It's one thing for Jesus to walk on water, but for Peter to do the same? I'm pretty sure he thought about that day the rest of his life. (Matthew 14:22)

Now, we haven't heard of anyone walking on water lately, yet there remains great symbolism and an important lesson from that act. It's quite possible to walk over every stormy circumstance, instead of sinking in fear.  

Our faith in Christ is what holds us up. However, if we're not in faith, we're in fear. But He's called us to leave behind those entangled nets of fear and follow Him completely.

Even while the storm is peaking and it seems like God is sound asleep, let us never forget, He's given us the very same "water walking, wind talking" authority & power Christ used to bring the calm.  

Do you think Peter was afraid to step outside the safety of the boat? Of course he was. But He fixed his eyes on Christ and he did it anyway. As long as he kept his focus in the right direction, unhindered by everything going on around him, he walked right on top of a dark, stormy sea. It was only when he looked at the taunting surroundings that fear caused him to falter.

We're still being called out of the boat. When everything's calm, there's no need for water walking faith.  But when it's dark and stormy, we're gonna need those water shoes

Is it really possible to ignore the swirls of lies, and disregard the waves of intimidation that try to grab our attention? We know that it is. Peter, the forerunner, a follower of Christ, has set the example. When we purpose to make Christ our horizon, no storm in hell can make us sink. 

Set your sights high and your gaze upon Him, and you'll safely reach the shore! 

Friday, May 20, 2016

In the Eyes of God, Will you be Found Naughty or Nice?


Every year near the end of October retailers start promoting Santa Claus- the guy that comes down your chimney on Christmas Eve and brings you lots of presents. They do this to make money. Obviously. Christmas morning arrives and, in a matter of minutes, we tear into that "pile of glee" Soon after, it culminates to sitting in a big pile of rubbish. Then, hopefully everyone is "happy." But- there is a clause here.

And the stipulation is this: In order to qualify to get those presents, you must be good all year long. In other words, Santa will be checking his list, and checking it twice, to see whether or not you have been naughty or nice. :)

Have you ever seen the movie called "Fred Claus?" In this comical, heart-felt film, the main character- Fred, plays the role of being the brother of Santa Claus. Ever since Fred was born he has always taken the "backseat." Ever since his brother emerged in the limelight, Fred always felt that he could never measure up to his brothers perfection. Even Fred's mom had favored his brother over him. Thus he grew into adulthood with a low, disintegrated form of self-esteem, with a "I'll never be good enough label" looming over him.

In the story, Fred gets into trouble, and runs into financial difficulty and ends up in jail. In order to come up with bail money and extra cash needed pay off his other high ended debt, Fred is left with no other choice, but to call on his brother Nick, (St. Nicolas) who lives in the North Pole. Of course his brother bails him out, but in order to get the rest of the funds, Fred has to go to the North Pole and work off the money.

In order to sum this up and get to the heart of the matter here, let's jump right into that specific scene in the film which gripped my heart, and penetrated my soul, revealing a genuine compassion like that of Christ. 

During one of Fred's assignments, his job was to sort out the naughty kids from the nice ones. The "all knowing machine" was like a secret camera that enabled him to peer into the lives of the children to monitor their behavior. The "fear tactic" was: 
"You'd better watch out...he knows if you've been bad or be good for goodness sake!"

Upon the conclusion of the assessmentFred is supposed to stamp on each child's report, Naughty or Nice. But as Fred is moved with compassion, he realizes that every kid is in fact- good in nature. 

He persistently stamps each and every child as...NICE! Fred chose to dismiss that awful behavioral, measuring-up chart, that he himself, could never measure up to. Instead of placing a judgement called naughty, or bad upon them, he chose to see all the good in each child.

As I watched this beautiful portrayal of compassion, It reminded me of the insurmountable compassion which God has for us. As I heard that stamper of judgement coming down on each child, it was as if I could almost hear Christ being nailed to the cross. 

Each strike against Christ broke open His skin, causing blood to flow. This blood was the required payment which purchased our redemption. It broke the curse of the Law (punishment from sin) off of us. As we believe in this finished work we are made righteous.

As He was nailed to the tree, so were the requirements that were against us.(Colossians 2:14) And we were stamped innocent with the seal of approval which can not be reversed. His redemptive blood became the "ink" which labels us clean or "Nice" in the sight of God. Not only for a season, but for all of eternity.

It is forever settled in the courts of heaven that we are found to be innocent. Because someone stepped in to bail us out- Jesus. He paid our ransom and fulfilled the full requirement of the Law. ( See Matthew 5:17) God has dismissed all of the charges that were against us. We have been vindicated through the blood of Christ. "Who gave himself as a ransom for all which is the testimony given at the proper time" (1 Timothy 2:6).

Do you think you could ever be good enough for God? Perhaps you think you're not so bad and you're a good person, therefore you should receive good merits from God. But without the redemptive blood of Christ cleansing you- on your best possible day- your righteousness would be as filthy rags(Isaiah 54:6) 

But with the blood, you become righteous! 

“Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool. ~Isaiah 1:18

Our good standing, and position of righteousness- come only from the finished work of Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with our behavior whether it is good or bad. 

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and it is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8)

Perhaps you are the one who thinks "I have never done anything right" how can God save me? We can see in Romans 3:10 "no one has done anything right"-But Christ. 

Let the heavy burden of works fall right off your shoulders. The notion that- God would not accept a failure like me..someone from the "Island of mis-fit toys," is a lie, you are accepted in the Beloved and He loves you regardless of your behavior.

That is why it's called good news! The devil will only try to spread bad news, hurling false accusations and attempt to pin the Law on us again. But the truth will set you free! Your gift is unmerited salvation!

Christ is KING...and you are GOOD! (Forgiven & Justified, Talented, Blessed, Highly favored, Cleansed, and NICE.) 

A Butterfly Can Never Go Back to Being a Caterpillar

A butterfly can never go back to being a caterpillar. Nor would it want to. Once the process of metamorphosis takes place- there's no going back. So what happens in this biological process? A profound change in form or structure, as well as habitat or behavior-transformation. 

Not too long ago, this 16 legged creature has gone from inching and crawling along, unattractive and ordinary to vividly bright, beautifully winged and able to fly! What a transformation! It will no longer be the same. It has no desire to even attempt to get back into that old dried up cocoon it came out of.  

This is a great parallel to what happens when a person is born again 

"From now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, all things become new."  ~ 2 Corinthians 5:16

Becoming Brand New

It would do you no good to have a new physical birth, for you would still be "born into sin." But it does the best good to born of the Spirit, for you become a son of righteousness!  
We actually become children of God.

"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." ~ John 3:5 ...

Looking back at what happens from caterpillar to butterfly, a dramatic change takes place. After it becomes a new creature, it's habitat must change, it can no longer live and function as a caterpillar, because it is now a butterfly. It's actually not even recognizable. It's old caterpillar friends are kinda wondering what happened and where did their friend go?

When you're born again- your "old man" is done away with, as your inner man becomes brand new. 

There's no reason to look back at what you used to be, because that person is gone. When we become a new creature, our old man dies.

"A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put in you."

 ~Ezekiel 36:26 

Everything about us changes. We change families. We get a new Father, a new home, a new identity, a new kingdom, a new heart, and a whole new life. 

There is nothing to go back to but an empty cocoon in the old life. As we begin to live this new life, our place of habitation changes. Like the butterfly feeds on nectar and sap, we abide in the Vine of Christ and are fed from that Branch. 

Like metamorphosis, we are transformed into new creatures. While our spirit is made new, we need to learn "butterfly thinking". We can no longer think like a worm, but reprogram our mind to think like a butterfly. (Christian) This part is our responsibility. If we continue to think the old way, we will never soar to the places we were created for. 

We no longer have the identity of a caterpillar, but now our identity is in Christ. When our family or past friends no longer recognizes us, it's because that person isn't around anymore. Don't go hanging around dead places looking for life, because that old person is not coming back. 

After all, we have gone from a kingdom of darkness, into a kingdom of light, and it will take some learning and adjusting with new wings and all. :) 

No one is pressured into changing, God just offers a new start and a chance for "wings." 
His love is gentle, kind and patient. 

Explore the kingdom of God's your new home- for all of eternity!!!

"Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this world." 

John 18:36

Child of the One True King

Jesus carried out the trash

I don't know about you, but I'm guessing it's the same for everyone - once that trash can starts to fill up, it starts to smell very unpleasant. As soon as that yucky odor hits my nose, it's time to take it out! When things begin to rot, they start to smell really bad. And when you have a large load of trash to remove, it's anything but fun.

I don't know how populated your area is, but here in Florida it's overpopulated. And wherever there's lots of people, you'll get lots of trash, needing many garbage trucks. I used to live in a small town where I only saw one garbage truck and I never really paid that much attention to it. After all, it's a garbage truck right? But now -eight years later I'm noticing that there's several, and they actually come twice a week!

More people...more garbage...more trucks to haul it away. So what am I getting at? This may or may not sound "normal" to you but the Lord showed me a picture similar to this concept. I could see Him carrying all the weight of the masses of sin and the stench of death- to hell and dumping it there, leaving it all behind. When He was on the cross the bibles says that He carried all our sins.

Can you imagine carrying every disease, every pain, all the agonizing toil, every disgusting sin? Along with the burden of ALL the weight of the guilt of ALL mankind compounded onto His shoulders...something unbearable to think, yet He did. He took away EVERY ounce of weighty sorrow, every ugly injustice, every fear inducing threat, as well as the intimidating sting of death itself! What an incredible load!

Without Christ REIGNING in our hearts we can accumulate lots of
"spiritual trash" inside that will indeed, begin to stink. If it goes on too long it becomes especially heavy and hard to bear. The weight of sin is heavy. The weight of guilt is really heavy. When you combine past hurts with jealousy, unforgiveness, anger, and bitterness, you come up with some messy, burdensome, baggage that needs to be taken out. Also known as, just plain old garbage that pollutes the soul. Thank God we don't have to carry it anymore!

Nobody wants a rotten heart. Everyone enjoys a clean slate. Think of how baking soda works. You put it in the refrigerator, or in the trash can to alleviate the smell because it helps absorb the bad odor. Well, Jesus is better than baking soda or bleach! He's removed our polluted sins, along with all condemnation, weighty guilt and pain of eternal death.  And the best part, He didn't just "cover up" the stench, there's not a hint of it left. IT'S TOTALLY GONE.

I pictured all the garbage trucks in the world lined up filled with the worlds trash, sin upon sin, mistake piled onto mistake, pain smashed with pain, guilt topped with guilt, sorrow upon sorrow seeping out the back. followed by the most horrific smell imaginable, unbearably pressing, deadly weight accumulated as it took every last trace to hell and dumped it all off and drove away clean, as if there had never been anything contaminated it it before. As a matter of fact there is a sweet fragrance in it's place.

That's what Jesus did for us! He took away our trash, our garbage, our sin, our baggage, and our curse. He carried the heavy cost of sin and death by becoming sin...IN OUR PLACE.





Moses had to encounter the Fire of God Before Ministering Freedom

Moses grows up in Egypt, witnessing the slavery of the Israelite s. One day he sees an Egyptian beating a Hebrew. Which was one of his people. Looking this way and that, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. (Exodus 2) When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses flees to Midian and meets his wife.


Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that thought the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought "I will go over and see this strange sight-why the bush does not burn up." 

God appoints Moses to lead the captives out of Egypt. Moses humbly replies with "who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelite s out of Egypt?" God says to him. I will be with you. Moses says to God, "suppose I go to the Israelite s, and say to them "The God of your fathers has sent me to you; and they ask me "what is his name?" What shall I tell them?" 

God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM This is what you tell them." I AM has sent me to you. God also said to Moses, "say to the Israelite's, the Lord, the God of your fathers-the God of Abraham, the God of Issac and the God of Jacob has sent me to you."
"This is my name forever,
the name you shall call me 
from generation to generation."

Moses, who once fled his enemy because of fear, now returns to confront him-because the I AM is now with him. The more time Moses spent with God, the more confident he became. During the time when the Lord was giving the ten commandments to Moses, he was on the mountain of God for forty days and forty nights. When he came down from the mountain, his face was radiant and they were afraid to come near him. 

As Moses grew in his relationship with the Lord, he was continually drawn to the fiery presence of I AM. So much that he became so hungry that he asked the Lord-"show me your glory." As if there was no glory in the miracles, the fire, even the presence of the Great I AM, yet he still wanted more of God.

Before Moses encountered the fire of God, he was ordinary, cold, and powerless on his own. After his "burning bush" encounter, everything changed!

Moses said, "if your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all other people on the face of the earth?"

Without the presence of God, we can not become free nor can we set anyone else free. Without the baptism of fire, freedom ministry doesn't even begin. It's like going to war without any ammunition. The enemy will look at you and laugh because without ammo, he can take you, but...he will run from a holy vessel that is filled with the fire of God, because it will consume every enemy.

The ministry of Jesus Christ began after his baptism in the Holy Spirit.
After Jesus ascended into heaven, his promised 'Spirit of truth' showed up on the Day of Pentecost.

Acts 2:2 "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound, from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."

The church began to grow as a result of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 3:11 "I baptize you with water for repentance, but after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry, he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."

Once you've encountered the fire of the Holy Spirit, the fire of His presence, and the fiery gaze of his eyes, you'll never be the same. Once you surrender your will for his and allow him to purge you and burn up all the junk, as you offer yourself upon his altar, you will become a "burning bush" for his glory.


The way we see ourselves and how God sees us are very different views.  We see ourselves as fallen, but God sees us restored to our rightful place.   

Since the Lamb of God (Jesus) was slain before the foundation of the world, God sees our redemption. (Revelation 13) The Solution (Jesus) happened before the problem. (us)
God sees the finished work. Jesus came to save us. The sacrifice he made was sufficient for every sin. He'll never have to come and die again. He took a "mission trip" to earth, and He accomplished His mission.  As He said on the cross in John 19:30, "It is finished."
God sees every finished work in you. If you are a blood bought, born-again believer in Jesus Christ, then you are supposed to see yourself just like God sees you! This is what God sees when he looks at you. He sees you saved, forgiven, healed, redeemed, set free, delivered, sanctified, holy, victorious, prosperous, wise and strong.

God sees a new creation, restored, reconciled, blameless, pure, armed with his power, justified, re-constructed, rehabilitated, supernatural child of God, seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus.

When we can't see how we're going get to the "other side," God sees us standing there already.  When we can't see our healing, God sees us healed already. When we can't see where the money will come from, God sees the provision coming toward us. He has already set up an inheritance for us.
When we rest in the assurance of the faithfulness of our God and begin to see what he sees, we will begin embrace the reality of all of his planned provision. When Abraham was obedient to offer up Issac (the promise)...God provided the ram.  The ram was already there.
One of God's beautiful names is Jehovah Shammah, which means: God is already there. He told Moses his name is... "I AM." Not I was, not I am going to be, but "I AM".
Because Christ lives inside us, and we abide in one another, as He is in the Father, we too can live in the very presence of I AM.
Not that we are going to be successful someday, not that we are going to be free someday, rich, healed, delivered after we go to that next "deliverance seminar"...Jesus already delivered you and has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness.
God tells us to call those things that be not as though THEY ARE...because they are. (according to heaven) Romans 4:17
I AM healed, I AM a victorious and triumphant, I AM already debt free, delivered and 100% whole. I AM FREE. I AM loved, I AM seated in heavenly places with Christ, I AM the head and not the tail. I AM the lender not the borrower. I AM blessed.
I AM dwelling in the promised land. I see what God sees and I say what God says. I AM free from the curse of sin and death. I AM hearing and obeying the voice of God.
I AM apprehending every promise, because that is what God sees!

Connecting the Dots...The Feasts of the Lord... connect to the Wedding Feast

I think most of us are familiar with "dot to dot" puzzles. When we start out, we see lots of dots and numbers, but no definite picture yet. As we trace along, we might travel up,down, or zigzag around, but eventually- we begin to see the finished form.

The bible is somewhat like that. However there are two different types of readers. Those who are born again and those who are not. We'll call them believers and unbelievers. To the natural eye (an unbeliever) the word of God seems quite difficult to understand, kind of like a puzzle with several missing pieces. However, when a born again believer (made alive in Christ) studies the bible, the words seem to jump off the pages into their heart. This is because the word of God is living and you must be alive to understand the living Word, otherwise it remains a mystery. (Hebrews 4:12)

Now, a mystery is not all revealed at once. When you are born again, you start with milk, just like you did when you were a baby. You were not yet ready for solids. As you grow and mature from digesting the nutrients in Gods word, He gives more and more light, or understanding of the things of God. This is called revelation-something that was once covered becomes uncovered, or revealed.

How Jesus connects to the Feasts of the bible:

Our time on earth is almost up, therefore I believe it's important to have an accelerated understanding of the connection of God's appointed times and seasons called The Feasts of the Lord and how they point to Jesus.

Just like connecting the dots, each feast is directly connected to the Messiah. (Jesus) The old testament is connected to the new. It's true that in Christ we have a better covenant, but if we skip over the rest of the bible, we'll miss out on extraordinary revelations. Christ is interwoven throughout the entire bible and the God's Feasts play a very special part.

Jesus himself taught in parables, so that we could connect the natural with the spiritual. The whole plan of redemption has an order and sequence to it. We can learn so much from the Feasts, but we will keep it short to connect the dots.

There are 7 feasts in which God commanded the Jews to observe.

SABBATH...THE DAY OF REST.... connected to Christ.
(Leviticus 23) The Lord instituted the Sabbath.
(Luke 4:16) Jesus reads Isaiah 61 scroll on the Sabbath in the synagogue. He proclaimed it to be fulfilled that day. Jesus rose from the dead on the Sabbath. Fulfilling our rest in his finished work.


(Leviticus 23:5) Israelites were instructed to kill a lamb,one without blemish or defect, slay it and offer it by fire,then eat the lamb inside their homes, place the blood of the lamb on the doorposts so that the death angel passes over them.

(John 1:21) John refers to Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Jesus was perfect, without sin.
(Matthew 26:17) Jesus celebrates Passover in the upper room (Passover) Jesus Himself became our Passover Lamb. This was fulfilled. His blood has redeemed us from death.

FEAST OF EARLY FIRST FRUITS...connected to Christ.
(Sfirat Haomer)

(Leviticus 23:9)  The Lord instructs Moses about the feasts of first-fruits which takes place in early spring.
These were a symbol of God's sovereignty and provision over all the earth.
This immediately follows Passover. Christ himself was our first fruit being raised from the dead.
(1 Corinthians 15) This was fulfilled.

THE LATTER FIRST FRUITS...connected to Christ.
FESTIVAL OF WEEKS (Shavuot, Pentecost)

(Leviticus 23:15) The Lord instructs... count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh Sabbath, then present an offering of new grain to the Lord.  In the early fruits offering, barley was waved before the Lord, fifty days later, the latter first fruits, wheat was offered.

(Acts 2:1)  The festival of Shavuot arrived, (Pentecost) and the believers all gathered together in one place. suddenly there came a sound from the sky...this was the day the Holy Spirit came and rested on them and filled them all. (50 days after Christ ascended) Holy Spirit came..this was fulfilled. 

FEASTS OF TRUMPETS...connected to Christ.
The Day of Sounding.

(Leviticus 23:23) A day of rest, a sacred assembly commemorated by the trumpet blasts. In synagogues the shofar, or rams horn is sounded daily to alert that the time of repentance is near. Rabbis observed that the shofar was used in ancient times to hail a king. So at Rosh HaShanah (Jewish new year) all Israel is said to appear before the King of Kings in anticipation for judgement. The shofar was also sounded to gather troops for battle. This is connected to...

The second coming of Christ
(1 Corinthians 15:52)  In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised  imperishable, and we will be changed.

(1 Thessalonians 4:17) For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. NOT YET FULFILLED

Those who've repented and are washed in the blood, will meet the Lord in the air when this happens.

THE DAY OF ATONEMENT...Connected to Christ.

(Leviticus 23:26) The Day of Atonement was considered the most holy day in Jewish history, it was on this day that the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies to make atonement for the nation, with the blood of the animal being sprinkled on the mercy seat.

(Hebrews 9) Christ Himself became our High Priest, going in once and for all into the Holy of Holies with His own blood, purchasing our everlasting redemption. This was fulfilled.

FEAST OF TABERNACLES...Connected to Christ.

Fall feast (Harvest) FEAST OF IN GATHERING...Yet to be fulfilled

(Leviticus 23:33) Celebrate this as a festival to the Lord for seven days each year. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come. Live in booths (temporary hut) for seven days so your descendants will know that I had the Israelites live in booths when I brought them out of Egypt. The word for sukkot is "habitation." God dwells with His people. The word dwelt is derived from the term tabernacle.

(John 1:4) The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. The birth of Yeshua is believed to have took place on Sukkot. Since we know that He died on Passover, (March/April) by backtracking we arrive much closer to Sukkot (September/October) than to Dec 25.

Other spiritual lessons taught by this holy day: Because Sukkot was a harvest festival in the late fall, it was customary to thank God for the produce of that year, prayers were chanted for the upcoming winter rains needed to replenish the land. During this day (the eighth day) a priest would take a water pitcher down to the pool of Siloam, dip it in the water and carry it back to the temple. The highlight of the ceremony came when the priest dramatically poured the water at the altar of the temple.

(Isaiah 12:3 "With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation." Salvation in Hebrew means Yeshua.

John 7:37 "On the last day of the festival, Yeshua stood up and cried out, "if anyone is thirsty, let him keep coming to me and drinking. Whoever puts trust in me, as the Scripture says, rivers of living water will flow from his inmost being."

Christ will come again to gather His bride for the Wedding feast during the season of Tabernacles.
God Himself will finally dwell with His people in all His fullness. The Sukkah of God will be among men when Yeshua dwells as the ruler of the 1000 year Messianic Kingdom!

A feast of harvest also speaks of separating the wheat from the chaff. God harvesting His people.


For a more in depth study of The Feasts of the Lord:

Somewhere.. Over the Rainbow

"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high,
there's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
and the dreams that you dare to dream
 really do come true.

Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up
where the clouds are all behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
high above the chimney tops, that's
where you'll find me.

Somewhere over the rainbow,
bluebirds fly, birds fly over the rainbow,
why then, oh why can't I?"

This popular song sung in the 1939 sensation, "The Wizard of Oz" describes the longing of a dream that's unreachable in Dorthy's eyes. In this film, she falls asleep and dreams of a place she thinks is "over the rainbow." Throughout all her adventures, she soon realizes the longing of her heart becomes a quest to go back home.

I think we can all relate to this song. We have a desire to soar above our difficulties, troubles and heartaches. We long for a place of escape. We long for a place called home. As great as our earthly families may be...without Christ, our visitation is temporary. There is a real place..."over the rainbow, high above the chimney tops" is a refuge, a place of escape, a place of safety, peace and never-ending joy.

Deep down inside, we long for this place..our eternal "home." Nothing on earth can fill that void. But where is this place and how can we be satisfied now? Heaven would not be heaven without Christ. You don't have to physically die to enjoy heaven's benefits. You may ask.. how do I get up there..over the rainbow..where "troubles melt like lemon drops?"

Obviously, you cannot climb through the air and you don't have to. The kingdom of Heaven can live inside you. Although we have to wait to see our loved ones again, we can enjoy the very atmosphere of heaven now. And most importantly..we have hope. Before the curse, Adam dwelt in paradise, or.. over the rainbow. When Adam was exiled from that place, all he could dream of was going back. (Wouldn't you?)

The good news is you don't need a wizard, one that hides behind a curtain pretending to have power. He can't give you a sound mind (a brain) courage or a heart, only Christ can do that! After Christ came and broke the curse of sin and death and redeemed us back to God, He re-opened the gates to paradise. He actually tore down that heavy curtain that separated us from His presence.

Without Jesus, you are like Adam, locked out of paradise, this beautiful place over the rainbow, where dreams really do come true. Jesus knows that "there's no place like home" because He longs to make His home in your heart.

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20.

If you've been down the "yellow brick road" only to find your still searching for the real thing. Jesus himself is the real thing. He is what's "over the rainbow" yet he's only a breath away.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Light Travels Fast!

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but  have the light of life.” ~John 8:12

How is it possible to avoid darkness when we live in a dark, depressing world where it seems to be lurking everywhere? The morning, mid-day and evening news are always broadcasting devastating events. We're sure to find more bad news packed into our local newspaper. Unfortunately, bad news travels fast, but guess what? Good news travels faster!

Have you ever heard about the speed of light? Well, it's pretty darn fast! The Light of the world-Jesus is the BEST news you'll ever hear. What came first...the sound or the light? Well, just like in the natural, light beats sound every time. 

The same goes for spiritual light. Light comes first. Allow me to elaborate. Light is referred to revelation, or understanding. When something is uncovered, we see it.  When we see Christ in the scriptures, or even hear about Him in a message, immediately a "light" comes on, then when we hear the words, and we believe. 

In the midst of darkness, we have the Light of life!

Think about it. When you turn on a light, darkness flees, it disappears. Light will always overpower it. So shall it be for those who choose to follow Christ, they shall always overtake dark forces.

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." ~ John 1:5

"Water Off A Ducks Back"

I've always enjoyed watching ducks swim around in the water. When I see them dive under and pop back up it amazes me how the water just rolls right off their back. I was curious as to why this happens, so I researched it. smile emoticon
This is what I discovered. Bird feathers contain oil. This oil forms a tight waterproof seal that prevents water from soaking in. Which causes the water to run right off, like silk beads.

Most often, we hear the words of advice, "Don't let it bother you, it's just water off a ducks back"  Easy to say, but sometimes hard to do. If we were only like the duck. As soon as the "downpour" hits our mind, perhaps it could it roll right off, without soaking us with the weight of it.

Sadly too often, when bad news travels our way, it usually carries sorrow. As this sorrow begins to trickle down our head, we make the mistake of allowing it to sink in and deepen the pain, rather than shaking it off, as we should. Just think about your dog. After a bath, or coming in from the rain, what do they do. Right away, they shake it off! We need to be like that.


This occurred to me. Although we weren't built with "problem-proof" feathers like a duck, we were built with something better. We were never designed to bear the weight of the world. We were made to rest. Rest in God. He Himself will covers us with His feathers. smile emoticon

"He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection." ~Psalm 91:4

The Spirit of God that abides within represents a type of oil. This "oil" has the ability to cover and protect us from all harm. Even a barrier that will cause problems, difficulties, and pain to roll right off, without penetrating our hearts.

Birds continuously preen their feathers to stimulate more oil. Perhaps our "preening" happens when we spend more time in His presence and the Presence of His word. Then we will be able to stand, and whatever comes our way will- in fact...roll right off of our backs!