Friday, May 20, 2016

A Butterfly Can Never Go Back to Being a Caterpillar

A butterfly can never go back to being a caterpillar. Nor would it want to. Once the process of metamorphosis takes place- there's no going back. So what happens in this biological process? A profound change in form or structure, as well as habitat or behavior-transformation. 

Not too long ago, this 16 legged creature has gone from inching and crawling along, unattractive and ordinary to vividly bright, beautifully winged and able to fly! What a transformation! It will no longer be the same. It has no desire to even attempt to get back into that old dried up cocoon it came out of.  

This is a great parallel to what happens when a person is born again 

"From now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, all things become new."  ~ 2 Corinthians 5:16

Becoming Brand New

It would do you no good to have a new physical birth, for you would still be "born into sin." But it does the best good to born of the Spirit, for you become a son of righteousness!  
We actually become children of God.

"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." ~ John 3:5 ...

Looking back at what happens from caterpillar to butterfly, a dramatic change takes place. After it becomes a new creature, it's habitat must change, it can no longer live and function as a caterpillar, because it is now a butterfly. It's actually not even recognizable. It's old caterpillar friends are kinda wondering what happened and where did their friend go?

When you're born again- your "old man" is done away with, as your inner man becomes brand new. 

There's no reason to look back at what you used to be, because that person is gone. When we become a new creature, our old man dies.

"A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put in you."

 ~Ezekiel 36:26 

Everything about us changes. We change families. We get a new Father, a new home, a new identity, a new kingdom, a new heart, and a whole new life. 

There is nothing to go back to but an empty cocoon in the old life. As we begin to live this new life, our place of habitation changes. Like the butterfly feeds on nectar and sap, we abide in the Vine of Christ and are fed from that Branch. 

Like metamorphosis, we are transformed into new creatures. While our spirit is made new, we need to learn "butterfly thinking". We can no longer think like a worm, but reprogram our mind to think like a butterfly. (Christian) This part is our responsibility. If we continue to think the old way, we will never soar to the places we were created for. 

We no longer have the identity of a caterpillar, but now our identity is in Christ. When our family or past friends no longer recognizes us, it's because that person isn't around anymore. Don't go hanging around dead places looking for life, because that old person is not coming back. 

After all, we have gone from a kingdom of darkness, into a kingdom of light, and it will take some learning and adjusting with new wings and all. :) 

No one is pressured into changing, God just offers a new start and a chance for "wings." 
His love is gentle, kind and patient. 

Explore the kingdom of God's your new home- for all of eternity!!!

"Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this world." 

John 18:36

Child of the One True King

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