Monday, July 1, 2013

A Voice in the Wilderness

"For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God." Romans 8:19

If you're a parent, then you know what it's like to eagerly await the birth of your baby. During the whole nine months, we speak to our unborn child, all the while we're anticipating the sound of their voice. Those first words are so precious, usually it's Mama or Dada. Just to hear them calling our name causes us to rejoice. 

How do you think God feels when a "newborn" babe is birthed into his household? He is more than excited, especially when we first call on his name. He knows that voice inside of us was designed to carry a message of hope to all of creation.

We know that John the Baptist was a voice in the wilderness and Jesus himself went into the wilderness to pray. In the wilderness Jesus was tempted by Satan, but he overcame him with the word of God. In the wilderness we are separate from distractions, which enables us to hear. Each time Jesus came back from praying, he had a message to deliver with his voice. 

You are also a voice that needs to release hope. What is the world waiting to hear from you? What do you have inside that needs to be birthed? After the Israelites were delivered from their oppressor, it didn't take long to hear that the oppression still lived in them. Moses came as a voice, sent to them by the Great I AM. Because of their constant murmuring and complaining, they camped for forty years in the wilderness, just outside of the promised land.

After Moses died, Joshua and Caleb became God's voices in the wilderness. These two were the only ones that actually entered the promised land. They had something different in their Spirit. Determination and courage. Caleb in Hebrew means faith, devotion and wholehearted. Joshua means salvation. 

God told Joshua, do not be afraid and be very courageous. Joshua and Caleb boldy voiced God's will to the people. The sad thing is, they were a stiff necked, stubborn people and did not listen. Thus they never inherited the promise. It's not our job to force people into doing, but we do have a responsibility to be a willing voice for God to proclaim his will to the slaves that are still bound.    

In the wilderness we pray, grow and go! Just don't stay there, you're supposed to move into the promised land. 

Don't be silent, millions are waiting to hear what God has already said.