Sunday, June 5, 2016

Water Walking Faith

Every day the disciples walked with Christ they witnessed another miracle. Everywhere they went, they saw the power of God in action. Can you imagine the mental gymnastics as they watched in wonder?! I'm still bewildered.  

How about the baffling feat of walking on water? That's pretty unforgettable, especially for Peter.

It's one thing for Jesus to walk on water, but for Peter to do the same? I'm pretty sure he thought about that day the rest of his life. (Matthew 14:22)

Now, we haven't heard of anyone walking on water lately, yet there remains great symbolism and an important lesson from that act. It's quite possible to walk over every stormy circumstance, instead of sinking in fear.  

Our faith in Christ is what holds us up. However, if we're not in faith, we're in fear. But He's called us to leave behind those entangled nets of fear and follow Him completely.

Even while the storm is peaking and it seems like God is sound asleep, let us never forget, He's given us the very same "water walking, wind talking" authority & power Christ used to bring the calm.  

Do you think Peter was afraid to step outside the safety of the boat? Of course he was. But He fixed his eyes on Christ and he did it anyway. As long as he kept his focus in the right direction, unhindered by everything going on around him, he walked right on top of a dark, stormy sea. It was only when he looked at the taunting surroundings that fear caused him to falter.

We're still being called out of the boat. When everything's calm, there's no need for water walking faith.  But when it's dark and stormy, we're gonna need those water shoes

Is it really possible to ignore the swirls of lies, and disregard the waves of intimidation that try to grab our attention? We know that it is. Peter, the forerunner, a follower of Christ, has set the example. When we purpose to make Christ our horizon, no storm in hell can make us sink. 

Set your sights high and your gaze upon Him, and you'll safely reach the shore! 

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