Sunday, October 20, 2019

Remember Who You Are

Have you ever questioned your "lot in life"? Have you ever felt like things haven't quite gone the way you thought they would? I know I have. If we evaluate our present conditions, surroundings, and dilemas we can be left feeling downright disappointed. I've been there. Standing in the middle in that negative force field trying figure things out, and make some kind of sense. But, what I found was to no avail because I realized something "magical." Something I've always known, but somehow forgotten. My assesments were all wrong.

I was looking at life as though I were cursed instead of blessed. And that is a flat out lie!
It was like I had a bad case of "spiritual amnesia" or something.  Had I forgotten who I was in Christ? Did I forget my true identity? Why was I looking at failure when I was actually victorious?  Why was my vision blurred?  It was like looking in the mirror and quickly forgetting what I look like. All  because the devil wants me to forget... that I look like Christ.  Now I remember, who I am. And I encourage you to remember who you are. If you belong to Christ, let Him define you.

I'm no longer a child of the flesh. I was born of Gods descent and made in His image and likeness.  He has broken the curse of sin and death and has blessed me with every spiritual blessing.  I have a bright hope-filled future in front of me. I am more than a conqueror through Christ. Greater is He that lives in me than he who's in the world.  I am not afraid. I am not sick, I am not broke. I am blessed.

Temporal things don't matter. They are subject to change.  My "lot" in life is full of the goodness of God. He is my Rock, my Shelter, my Healer. my Fortress.  He's my truest identity. I live in Him and in Him, I am strong. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will not forget, but remember my roots. I am rooted in Him. Rooted and grounded in love.  I am established and secure in my royal position.

I am seated in heavenly places with Christ. Far above princpalities and powers of darkness. I am a daughter of the Most High God. I am a daughter of the King. I belong to the household of light. I am free from calamity and chaos.  My lot is peace.  I have inherited an abundance of righteousness.  I am right with God. Things go right with me and my children. My children rise up and call me blessed. My children are right with God, they are saved and blessed.

God is for me He is not against me. He fights for me. He makes my prosperous. He illuminates my path. I do not fear tomorrow. I know who I am. I am His.