But why do we do this? I think it's because we all want perfection. But the reality is, noone is perfect and nobody's flawless. The truth is, we will never be totally satisfied with our fleshly appearance because that's not where our true self image comes from. God made you by hand and He doesn't make mistakes! Your truest beauty abides inside of you.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". When God looks at you He doesn't see flesh. He sees your heart. But He can also see the man He formed in the garden. Prior to the curse, we were...perfect.
"God made man in His own image". When we examine ourselves in a negative light, we're actually dissaproving of Gods sculpture, which is ...us. Do you think Adam thought of himself less than anything? Before the curse started to steal his identity and break him down, he never once had an negative self image. All of this self hatred comes from trying to "break a curse" that's already been broken.
Someone has broken it for us! The second Adam.... Jesus. And guess what? We don't have to be sick no more, we don't have to be poor no more, and we don't have to be dead no more!!
Now that we have been re-instated to the Blessing, that nasty curse no longer applies.
Have you ever seen something put together wrong? We all have. Just the other day at work, I saw a little decorative sign that was upside down. Whoever put it together placed the rope on the wrong side of the picture. Compare that to God "assembling man." Do you think He's constucted us improperly?... No! A thousand times "No"! May we never direspect Him in such a way.
We look the way look today is a result of time, and how we took care of the body He gave us. We've all made mistakes, Which Christ has forgiven. The point is, don't look at the "old man" anymore. He died with Christ, you have been made new. Once again you've been made into the image of God 💗
"If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have passed away: behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17
We don't have to look at the "old us" anymore. Our self image comes from the One who lives in us. When you think about the price He paid to set you free, you no longer see the mess. If we purpose to "shake off the lies" concerning our appearance, inside and out... we'll be free from comparison.
Whenever my dog gets up from rolling on the ground she's got dirt all over her, but she doesn't let it stay. Almost instantly, she shakes it all off! We need to be like that! Shake it off! You're not dirty!, you're not inferior, and you're not bad looking! As a matter of fact, you're good looking!
After God finished His creation, He said it was good!
Just a few days ago, I got my hair cut. I used to wear it up everyday to hide the damage I caused it over the years. Needless to say, I've always wanted strong, healthy hair. Hair that looked normal. Anyways, I took the leap and got the "dead stuff off", literally. Although I don't look like the picture I showed the hairstylist, I'm okay with that! God made me, and I'm happy about that!
Just a few days ago, I got my hair cut. I used to wear it up everyday to hide the damage I caused it over the years. Needless to say, I've always wanted strong, healthy hair. Hair that looked normal. Anyways, I took the leap and got the "dead stuff off", literally. Although I don't look like the picture I showed the hairstylist, I'm okay with that! God made me, and I'm happy about that!