Wednesday, October 18, 2017

My Hiding Place

When I was little I loved being outside. We were fortunate enough to have a decent amount of land which backed right up into the woods. And with a large lawn comes a large amount of mowing and raking. Every Spring, Summer and Fall my dad would spend most of his time doing some type of gardening. He was always planting something new!

I liked exploring the woods but oddly, one of my favorite places to relax, was underneath a large Forsythia bush in our front yard. As a child there was plenty of room in there to be concealed. Although I really wasn't hiding from anyone, I just liked the way It felt being covered from the outside world.  Another favorite of mine was our Lilac bush. I often sat right up against it as I pulled those fragrant flower clusters towards me for a fresh scent. But the larger of the two became my hide-out. The Forsythia.

After all these years I can still recall peering through those branches. As I sat under the canopy of it's bright yellow flowers I could see out, but no one could see in. So it became my secret place.

It was quiet and peaceful just to sit there and do nothing. There's something about being hidden that comforts the inner man.

Everyone likes to "get away" or escape to find solitude. That's why we like vacations. Not necessarily are we excited about a week of entertainment, but rather for a time to dwell in peace.

Fleeing the pressures of life allow us to become invigorated and refreshed. While resting from work heals the body, spiritual rest mends the soul.

Life changes a lot when we become adults. It demands our full attention. Obviously I can't go back to my childhood "hide-out" anymore. And truthfully, I don't have to. Because I've found a better ONE.

I don't even have to run off to some strange exotic land to find rest, true rest is found in God.

"Yes, my soul finds rest in God; my hope comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken". ~Psalm 62:5

As I look back I can understand why that live plant which covered me gave me comfort. It was symbolic of the Tree of Life, my Jesus. His living presence covers me from the outside world, providing protection and peace.  According to Colossians chapter three, I am now hidden in Christ.

"Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory". 

I didn't realized it back then, but now I know... He was right there with me, every time I hid.
and He's never left my side. 

I strongly believe that when it's my time to go to heaven, it won't be long until me and my Jesus will sit together under those bushes. 💗